Bloody smoke screen

i-it was a cloudy day... i mean for me i like the dark...just..the shit people put me though huh, like ever day i get up to coughing out blood, seeing these....human like mom would have to wake me up from all my screaming and noise i'd make "Alex,ALEX!wake up your having a nightmare" she shook me trying to get me up "SHIT! sorry mom..." i reply "just get ready for school" "ok.." i got ready as fast as i could so i wouldn't be late even knowing i hate that hell hole of a school. my friend George would wait for me in front of the school. the only thing i like about school was this girl name Ashley. she was the most popular girl in school i could never get her even if i had a chance. one day she went up to talk to me "hey Alex" "oh ummm h-hey Ashley" i mumbled "so Alex, im having a party tomorrow i was wondering if you can come" "yea,i can i have nothing else to do" "great! see you at 7" at lunch my friend walked up to me.he was covered in blood. "OH SHIT GEORGE! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" he just looked at me then he blacked out right on the lunch room floor after school i got a call from George sister she told be that my best friend just passed away....thats the day ill never forget... the night after i was asleep in my bed then heard someone calling my name outside, it was Ashley. i opened my window "Hey Alex! come on the party already started!" "Ok, ill be right down" i reply. as i got my jacket on i looked over to my bedroom door then seen my friend George's dead body laying in front of it. i screamed and Feld back, backing up to the wall. the body began to move then get up on its own. His jaw hanging off and missing one of his eyes. my mother ran up to my room and as his body got closer and closer i blacked out. the next morning i woke up in a hospital bed. i had no idea what happened after that night but i kept my mouth closed about it. they'll call me crazy if i told them what happened. the week after i went back to school. Ashley asked me what happened. i just look down at the floor. she kissed my cheek and left to her class. at lunch a group of boys walked up to me, one punch me. i fall too the ground one boy picked me up by my hair and hit my face over and over on the floor. everyone just watched as i got jumped. the boy whispered into my ear "I've seen you with my girl" his girl? i didn't know what he meant but then i looked over to Ashley. she was laughing...why the fuck was she laughing? everything gone black.... i opened my eyes to see a white fathers face...i haven't seen my dad in years, why would he come back now. like i need him now, he looked at me and said "Alex, you week excuse for a human being. You failed to save yourself you failed to save your friend. now look at yourself.... i can't believe your my kid." he tried around and started to walk out the room i screamed out at him "Oh yea! i gotten by without you didn't i!? i lived without a dad and now you come back! i don't need you now! You call me week when the week when is only walked out of this family and i can't believe my mother ever married you..." he looked back then walked up to me and slapped me across my mother just sat by and watched. then she said " dad's moving back in with us... isn't that great? will have a big and happy family like you always wanted.." she smiled and looked down... the next morning i got up at 5:00 PM i walked over to my mom's room then pulled out and 2 sided blade that George give me when we were in 5th grade and put on the gas mask my dad uses for his job. i walked into the living room,my dad passed out one the couch. i went up, pulled his head back and cut his neck open. his eyes opened up fast, he grab on to my black jacket trying to say something but couldn't. i laughed and laughed as his blood poured out. "Daddy, Daddy, look at your little boy daddy! haha look daddy,did i make you happy? hahaha" he hold on to his neck then he bled out on the floor. i smiled and look at the clock and pulled off the gas mask "time to have fun with other people" i finally had enough, i finally cracked i went insane. that morning i was late for school. i wanted to get my revenge. i wanted to kill everyone that did me and George wrong. i walked into my class room. my teachers mouth drop she spoke and said "A-Alex...what happened to you...? whos blood is that?.." i locked the class room door then put back on my gas mask "well Ms.Anderson you see I've been put thought a bunch of SHIT! and im sick of it...hehehe im also getting revenge for George. so is anyone going to say who killed him or do i have to cut some necks open?" everyone screamed and ran to a corner of the class room,one person said "I-It was Ashley, s-she paid some boy to do it" Ashley reply back "NO! Alex. you have to believe me i would never do such a thing!" Ashley cried and cried Ms. Anderson looked at me "Alex you don't have to do this" "SHUT UP!" i through the knife into Ms. Anderson's neck. she fell to the ground. i went to pull out the knife from her neck and everyone screamed, the room filled up with smoke i blacked out for a moment and when i opened my eyes everyone was cold dead on the class room floor everyone except Ashley. Ashley cried and cried louder and louder "Please don't kill me" she said over and over i went up to her, grabbed her by her hair and hit her face over and over onto the floor "Ashley, hehehe i always thought you were so pretty." i cut her neck open and pulled her head backer and backer until it broke. cops sirens went off i ran out of the school and headed to my house. i ran into my mom's mother grabbed me and hold me "'s ok mommy has you now..." my mother hold a knife to my back getting ready to kill me then she dropped the knife. i stabbed my mother in the chest. "m-mom.." she smiled " run" i picked my mother's body up and ran into the woods, never to return
Writenn bai an unown arthur